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Bettye The Camper

Welcome to our summer home, a 2001 Starcraft named Bettye, after Chris' grandmother. Without her, this trip wouldn't be possible, so we wanted to honor her memory in this fun way that she would love.

We bought this baby from a dealership down in Mesa, AZ, and we brought her home with the same excitement as you would a new puppy. She was in good water damage, everything working, and very clean...but she definitely needed some updating.

We remodeled her as best we could on a budget of both resources and time (more on the how-to in a later post). A lot of paint and fabric later, I'd say she's looking quite pretty! And I would be remiss to leave out a very special thank you to my dear friend Brittany, who helped me pick colors and fabric patterns. She has the best taste, so I knew her talented eye would be a great help to me! Here are some 'before and afters'. ..

Living Area Before

Living Area Before

Living Area After

Living Area After

Kitchen Before

Kitchen Before

Kitchen After

Kitchen After

Dinette Before

Dinette Table Before

Dinette After

Dinette Table After

Side Living Area Before

Side Living Area Before

Side Area After

Side Living Area After

And if you love our camper, be sure to grab your very own camper sticker in our store! Chris drew these awesome designs by hand, then digitized them, because he's awesome! #ilovemyhusband

Home sweet home!

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