8 Days and Counting...

It's crazy to think it was just 2 weeks ago when we found out we were moving to Hawaii, while in Tennessee, with just 3 weeks to get back to Arizona and get ready to fly. It took us an entire week to get back with 3 kids and a heavy camper to haul, but last Monday we arrived at our house on camp and began the melee of selling, packing, donating, planning...
Now we have 8 days left.
In this one week we have sold a motorcycle, half our furniture, taken countless bags to Goodwill, and cleaned out our sheds outside. Just last night, we sold our sweet camper, which was an emotional one to be sure! We have also crammed in tons of play dates for the kids, date nights for us with many of our friends, and lots of hang out time with my mom.
But with all this busyness I want to stop and say THANK YOU to my amazing friends and my mom, for all the help this week! I have had several friends that have taken the girls or even all 3 kids at once, leaving Chris and I to focus on what needs to be done. My friend Brittany came yesterday and made 3 separate trips to both the library and Goodwill, delivering our donations WITH her kids in tow. We've had friends here at UCYC who have helped with clearing out our sheds and lifting heavy boxes. My friend Vessa had our family over one night and cooked a wonderful dinner for us. And my mom is spending every bit of time that she can with us, coming over when she gets off work and staying through the kids' bedtime, and even watching them on some nights so that we can see friends and say our goodbyes.
We are so excited for this move and all that is ahead, but we will definitely miss our friends and family here in Prescott. You're all the BEST, and we are so grateful to have you in our lives! And if we haven't had a chance to see you yet, just come on over!
Next up on our move agenda...TB tests for the kids (required for school entrance in Hawaii) and Kindergarten vaccines this morning. I'm definitely not looking forward to this task, but hopefully it goes smoothly with the promise of ice cream...